What is a Cervical Pillow?

What is a Cervical Pillow?

Cervical pillows, also called cervical pillows or orthopedic pillows, come from the Latin word "cervical", which means "neck". They are designed to support the neck and keep it aligned with the cervical spine or upper spine during sleep. 
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Cervical pillows, also called cervical pillows or orthopedic pillows, come from the Latin word "cervical", which means "neck". They are designed to support the neck and keep it aligned with the cervical spine or upper spine during sleep. This article introduces the types of cervical pillows and their advantages. Learn about and choose the cervical pillow that is right for you.

What is a Cervical Pillow?

Cervical Pillow

A cervical pillow is a type of pillow used to correct body posture and relieve neck pain while sleeping. The contour or shape of a cervical pillow maintains the natural curve of the cervical spine. This can improve the quality of your sleep. Cervical pillows are typically made of memory foam, latex, or other supportive materials that conform to the shape of your head and neck.

Types of Cervical Pillows

There are many types of cervical pillows, each catering to different needs and preferences:

  • Contour pillows: These pillows feature a wavy design with high and low sides to support the curve of your neck.
  • Roll pillows: Cylindrical in shape, they are ideal for back and side sleepers and provide neck support.
  • Memory foam pillows: Made of viscoelastic foam, they mold to the shape of your neck for customized support.
  • Water pillows: Allow you to adjust the firmness by adding or removing water.
  • Buckwheat pillows: Filled with buckwheat hulls, they adjust to the contours of your neck and provide firm support.

How Does it Work?

A cervical pillow helps keep your neck in a neutral position, preventing any pressure on your spine while you sleep. The pillow's contoured design is based on the natural curvature of the cervical spine, which typically has a gentle curve of about 20 to 40 degrees. This design supports the neck and head, relieves spinal stiffness, and relaxes muscles.

How to Use a Cervical Pillow

Sleeping with a neck pillow requires proper positioning to maximize its effectiveness. Here's how to position a neck pillow based on your sleeping style:

For Back Sleepers

Place the pillow under your head and neck, making sure your head rests on the lower contour in the center of the pillow. This contour is designed to support the natural curve of your cervical spine, which is usually about 20 to 40 degrees.

Your shoulders should rest on the mattress, not the pillow, to keep your spine properly aligned from neck to back.

The lower contour should support your neck, help relieve pressure and promote relaxation.

For Side Sleepers

Place the pillow in the upper position so that the upper contour supports your neck. The upper contour is usually about 4 to 5 inches thick to accommodate the space between your neck and the mattress.

Your head should rest on the curve between the upper and lower contours of the pillow. This ensures that your neck remains straight and aligned with your spine.

Your shoulders should fit comfortably under the pillow, making sure your neck and spine are in a straight line. Proper posture helps reduce pressure points and prevent neck pain.

Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach puts your neck in an unnatural position, which can strain your neck muscles and cause misalignment even with a neck pillow.

It is best to sleep on your back or side to maintain a correct sleeping position and prevent neck strain.

Do Cervical Pillows Work?

Yes, a neck pillow is effective for many people. Studies show that pillows with good neck support can help relieve neck pain and improve rest. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on an individual's specific condition and sleeping habits. You need to choose a pillow that works for your body type and sleeping style.

Benefits of Cervical Pillow

Cervical pillows offer a variety of benefits. They help back sleepers maintain a normal cervical curve and relax muscles and ligaments. They allow side sleepers to avoid an unnatural neck bend.

They also increase blood flow to the head and relax neck muscles, promoting deeper sleep and improving quality.

Cervical pillows can adapt to your body shape and reduce pressure on the neck and vertebrae.

Supporting the neck and head helps keep the airway open and reduces snoring.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

It takes time to get used to it, and you may experience temporary soreness or discomfort when you first start using a cervical pillow. This is usually short-lived and will go away as you adjust to the pillow.

Cervical pillows may require special care and cleaning methods that are more complicated than regular pillows.

In addition, high-quality cervical pillows may be more expensive than regular pillows.

Do I Need to Use it?

A cervical pillow can be helpful if you suffer from neck pain, stiffness, or frequent headaches. It is especially helpful if you sleep in an incorrect position or wake up with neck discomfort. A cervical pillow is suitable for most people, whether you have neck problems or not. This pillow is orthopedic and provides comfort and support for everyone.

Where Can I Buy it?

Comfortable cervical pillow

If you want to buy a quality cervical pillow, the SKG brand is an excellent choice. SKG has thousands of patents, hundreds of media promotions, is loved by millions of people, and is supported by Maye Musk.

Its SKG P3E cervical pain relief pillow uses three layers of memory foam, and the ergonomic cylindrical neck support design makes our cervical pillow an ideal choice for pain relief while sleeping. Provide customized neck support and adjustable sinking depth. Allowing you to adjust the support height that suits you at any time.

In addition to pillows, SKG also offers neck massager that can relieve neck pain and tension, promote blood circulation, and relax the body and mind.

Neck Pillow Maintenance Process

Properly maintaining a neck pillow ensures that it continues to provide the necessary support and comfort. Here are the basic steps to effectively maintain a neck pillow:

1. Read the care instructions

Before you begin any cleaning or maintenance, read the care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

2. Clean regularly

If your pillow is soiled, use a mild detergent mixed with warm water to spot-clean it. Pat the affected area with a clean cloth or sponge, avoiding excessive moisture.

Most neck pillows come with removable pillowcases. Wash these pillowcases on a gentle cycle with cold water. Always dry them thoroughly before placing them back on the pillow to prevent mold growth.

3. Fluff and reshape

Fluff your pillow daily to help it maintain its shape and support. This evenly redistributes the filling and prevents it from clumping.

Check your pillow regularly for lumps or areas where the filling has moved. Manually reshape your pillow to ensure even support.


Occasionally dry your pillow outdoors in a well-ventilated area. This helps eliminate odors and keeps the pillow fresh. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent material degradation.

5. Replacement

Check your pillow regularly for signs of wear and tear. If the pillow loses its firmness or shape, it may need to be replaced. Pillows generally need to be replaced every 1-2 years, depending on the material and usage.

6. Storage

When not in use, store the neck pillow in a cool, dry place. Use a breathable storage bag to protect the pillow from dust and moisture. Avoid compressing the pillow for long periods, as this will affect its shape and support.

In Conclusion

Neck pillows can provide significant benefits to people who experience neck pain, and stiffness, or seek better sleep quality. Providing proper support and alignment for the neck and spine and improving sleeping posture.